The Guides Walkthrough
Section 2
Puzzle 15
This puzzle is a complex diagram. For more info, swipe left to get more information
The clue list here shows:
1: ‘Satellite Interface’
2: ‘Transmitter Antenna’
3: ‘Solar Reflector 1/2’
4: ‘Satellite Interface’
5: ‘Dish Antenna’
6: ‘Thruster Support’
7: ‘Equipment Panel’
It also says: stage integer :: 7
If we go back to the diagram we can find each of these notations and a letter that corresponds
They are: N, L, Q, N, U, X, W
Integer 7, tells us to look at the diagram for 7. There is a 07 and next to it, it says +9.
That tells us to use the shift decoder and set it to 9.
Tap the up arrow in the bottom right corner
Tap the 4 box grid icon to switch to the decoder
Tap the letter shift icon (a > d) to use the letter shift decoder
Tap the SHIFT input box next to the text input field and enter 9 (to shift 9 charcters)
Enter in the letters from the circle (nlqnuxw).
Tap the SUBMIT button
You will see the word ECHELON appear
Tap the top text input field
Hit the SUBMIT button
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