The Guides Walkthrough
Section 2
Puzzle 24
Tap the double right arrows at the bottom of the screen to view the clue for this level.
The clue is: bWFyaW5lcg==
On this level, there is a new decoder available. It’s a Base64 decoder.
See what they did there? Solution from Puzzle 23 was BASE, solution from Puzzle 22 was 64
Our new decoder is Base64.
Tap the up arrow in the bottom right corner
Tap the 4 box grid icon to switch to the decoder
Tap the Base64 decoder icon (==) to use the Base64 decoder
Enter in the encoded clue: bWFyaW5lcg
Tap the SUBMIT button
You will see the word MARINER appear
Tap the top text input field
Hit the SUBMIT button
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